What is cremation?
Cremation is the process of reducing the body by burning it to ashes and bone particles. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; what comes from earth, goes back to earth and cremation is the most compassionate and simplified way of helping your beloved return to earth.
What are cremated remains?
The organic matter reduced to bone fragments after cremation are referred to us ‘cremated remains’, which often are requested back by the family in an urn or keepsake.
Am I able to witness the cremation?
Yes, most definitely. This is the only reason we started Bitu’s Pet Cremation Services. Being able to be with your beloved Pet until the end offers you a much needed peace of mind and closure. You may request a private cremation and viewing by reservation over the phone. Pre planning is available so when the time comes, you are able to spend those precious moments with your beloved Pet rather than worrying about aftercare.
Do you offer Aquamation and how is it different than Cremation?
We only offer Cremation services and it is very different than Aquamation. While Aquamation is a process of Alkaline hydrolysis, whereby the body of the deceased Pet is submerged in liquids and takes over 18-20 hours or more to be reduced to ashes; Cremation is a quick and efficient fire based process of 2-5 hours without a lingering process of a day or two; to disintegrate the body to reduce it to bones and fragments. While Aquamation facilities are not governed for pollution and the remnants go into the main waste water system, our crematorium is heavily governed and is answerable to the Ministry of Environment to ensure an extremely environmentally responsible operation. To give you an example, your favourite fast food restaurant may have higher emissions than our Crematorium.
My Pet just passed and we do not want our baby to lie in a morgue. Is it possible to get him cremated on an urgent basis?
Yes, most definitely. This is one of the main reason we started Bitu’s Pet Cremation Services. Call us to make urgent/same day (within 24 hours) requests.
What if I want to arrange a final viewing for my family to pay their respect?
We are here to accommodate all your requests. We have two viewing rooms available upon reservation for your family and friends to bid their final goodbyes.
Do you euthanize Pets?
No, euthanasia can only be performed by licensed Veterinarians. We do not have any Veterinarians onsite however, can recommend one from many of our partnered Vets in your area; who may come to your home and perform the procedure offering the much needed comfort and privacy for your Pet and you.
Does it matter if my pet passed at a Veterinary clinic or home and we wish to arrange a viewing and witness the cremation?
No it does not. We are able to assist you with all your viewing and cremation arrangements and coordinate to gently transfer your baby from home or the Vet clinic to our location on your behalf. You may also choose to transfer your deceased Pet to our facility yourself at the pre-arranged time of viewing and cremation.
Do we need to purchase a casket?
You certainly do not need to but we do have caskets available for purchase if you choose to place your deceased pet in casket for viewing.
What if my pet has metal implants in its body?
Most surgical steel implants survive the cremation process and can be returned to you upon request.
How will I know that I am receiving my Pet’s cremated remains?
The whole point of starting up Bitu’s Pet Cremation Services, is to ensure that Pet parents have a peace of mind and not wonder whether it is their baby going home with them. We are not a middleman where chances of dropping the ball are high. We offer onsite cremations at our facility and starting from the point of transfer, be it from the Vet Clinic or your home; we use a unique identification methodology from the minute your pet is accepted in our care, right through the cremation process until the cremated remains are transferred to you in the memorabilia requested. Accuracy and attention to detail through every step of the way is the key to our guarantee that you need be rest assured that it is your baby returning home to you.
Can my baby’s favourite toy and collar be cremated along with him?
Your Pet’s favourite toy, blanket, collar and similar such small organic items may definitely accompany him until the final step of cremation. Once cremated, any non organic items may be returned to you along with any memorabilia you may have requested. We adhere to the strict guidelines set out by the Ministry of Environment and are a zero pollution set up. We greatly respect our surroundings and environment and will ensure it's safe and treasured.
What if more than one member of my family is requesting the cremated remains of my Pet?
We are happy to accommodate any of your requests and it is a common practice for family or co-owners to request the remains in multiples. We have a number of memorial products to accommodate all your needs be it paw prints, ashes in urns, keepsake jewelry urns or photo frames. Please request this when you call us to make the aftercare arrangements for your Pet.
What if I am on vacation and my Pet suddenly passes while being cared for by someone else? Will I still be able to see her and say a final goodbye?
We are here so that you are able to get a closure by being there for them through the aftercare journey, no matter what the situation. We are able to very respectfully care for your deceased Pet in our cooling chambers until you are able to have a viewing and bid your personal farewell. Speak with us to make the arrangements.
My Veterinarian offers cremation services. How are you different than them and why should we choose your service?
We are an in-house Crematorium. Your deceased Pet will be cremated right here onsite, at our facility as opposed to being sent to a third party service provider; as in the case of your Veterinarian or any other funeral home. We are set up for completely personalized aftercare as opposed to mass cremations or a production line routine as in the case of the traditional cremation services that are being offered. Your Pets aren't just tags numbers to us once they breathe their last. We truly believe that their souls need the closure to help them cross over just as we need a closure to move on with our lives. Your Pet's aftercare journey actually begins once your Pet is deceased. Leaving them at a clinic not knowing what happened to them is a dark hole many Pets and Pet parents sink into; not knowing how to get out of. We are here to provide you with an avenue of avoiding that sink hole and seeing for yourself where and how your Pets depart. You are able to be there with them, hold them and place them in the cremation chamber yourself; for your peace of mind, upon making pre-arrangements. Even though they have left their bodies, we truly believe your Pet's soul knows you are present, guiding them to cross over the Rainbow bridge. Our facility is open to visitors and will be happy to guide you through this tough time in making the right decisions, no matter what cremation, viewing or memorabilia options you choose.
Do you provide burial service?
We personally do not provide any burial services. Many cemeteries bury your Pet's ashes instead of the body of your deceased Pet.
Can I bury my Pet in my backyard?
We recommend checking with your local municipality. Most jurisdictions do not permit burials in backyards. We have had cases whereby the clients had to exhume the bodies and bring them in for cremation when they listed their homes for sale. Failure to fully disclose a burial in the backyard to the buyer can lead to legal complications for all parties, including the realtors.​
I feel so confused. How do I know whether its time to let go?
We humans are selfish by nature and as much as we want our Pets to last an eternity, they have a short life span. Best things come in small packages and we may want otherwise however, day will come when we have to let them go. Few are lucky to have them pass naturally, while many of us have had to or will need to make a decision for them because like everything else, they depend on you to set them free. It is easier said than done but one needs be objective. You know your Pets best. Are they in pain? Have they stopped eating and drinking? Is it too difficult for them to move around freely without any help? Are they comfortable living with this change brought about by their age or any medical condition? Speak with your Veterinarian and sought their opinion to evaluate their quality of life vs. the quantity of it. You’ve put their needs before yours throughout their time with you and your decisions have always revolved around their needs. This time will be no different. Their comfort and quality of life takes priority over our need to hang on to them as long as possible.
What if my kids want to come along to say goodbye to their companion and witness the cremation?
They absolutely can. Children are more resilient than we know or give them credit for. Having done the right thing and been there for their best buddies until the end, might make it easier for them to cope up with the loss and move on in life. Don't be afraid to speak with your children and involving them in these decisions. After all, it's their companion, their best friend, their brother or sister that they may be loosing. They need that closure and peace of mind as much as we all do.
Are we able to bring our other Pets to say their goodbyes?
Yes please. They have lost their companion and need a closure and peace of mind every bit as you do. All members of the family are welcome at Bitu's Pet Cremation Services be it two legged, four legged, furry or feathered.
How will I cope up after my Pet is gone. I feel so lost. What do I do now?
The thought of loosing your best friend and a true companion is unthinkable and daunting. You are not alone. We sail in the same boat and have had the same questions as you. We don’t claim to be experts in grief management but can only relate our experience, which may help you as you prepare for this sad reality of life.
Make moments count, enjoy every precious minute with your Pet, including the final moments when its time to say goodbye and after. Be with them through this journey. They are probably ready to go even though you are not. Your Pets have always looked up to you for comfort and assurance and this time it won’t be any different. Have a talk with them and assure them that it’s ok to go. That mommy and daddy will be ok. Its ok to cry, to let them know they will be missed. Let the love flow. They will go knowing they were loved. Be their strength, to guide them to the afterlife.
If you have to make the most difficult decision of letting them go, be present with them. Hold them while they breathe their last. Bring their favourite toy, leash and collar, blanket or better, your piece of clothing so they go engulfed in your smell if they pass in a Vet clinic. The last thing you want is for them to be confused, sad and heartbroken because you left them with strangers; while they cope with their reality.
Being there for them and doing the right thing will be the first step you take in coping with your loss. If you haven’t made any pre-arrangements, call us and we can help guide you through a variety of options; to celebrate your Pet’s life. Arrange a viewing for family and friends to pay their final respects and say their goodbyes. If you wish to be by their side until the end, you can always request a same day, privately witnessed cremation so you can get a full closure once you bring your baby home in a memorabilia requested for their ashes. Closure is what all of us want to achieve. Knowing that we did right by them. Knowing that we were there by their side until they returned home with you, as a memory to cherish through your lifetime. Celebrate their lives. Talk about them with people who share your love for Pets. Light a candle, plant a tree, better yet, keep an open heart of adopting another one to continue the legacy of love and giving. Your Pet would definitely want you to share that heart of gold they experienced, with others who need a home and family.